Published Works

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Contact Details of the main publishers (click on the names to view details)


A New Star - Gwynn - ISBN 0-900-426-65-9 (Seren Newydd), 0-900-426-70-5 (A New Star), ISMN 979-0-708091-22-6 (bilingual, SATB score only)

A New Star - Gwynn - ISBN 0-900-426-65-9 (Seren Newydd), 0-900-426-70-5 (A New Star), ISMN 979-0-708091-22-6 (dwyieithog, rhannau SATB yn unig)

All the Hours We Saw - MS (some individual songs published by Curiad cyf.

Anglesey Seascapes (wind band arrangement by Paul Noble) - J. W. Pepper (USA)


Brodyr Maeth Hywel (Hywel's Foster-Brothers) - Curiad 9041


Cadwyn (Cycle) - Gwynn

Cantate Domino (Sing to Jehovah) - Curiad

Cart with no brake - Curiad (Living Harp, ISBN 1-897664-11-7)

Celebration - Gwynn

Challenge - Curiad - from "Life Reborn", ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Child's Play - Curiad (Living Harp, ISBN 1-897664-11-7)

Christ the King (SATB/unison/SA - all versions on one copy) - Curiad, ISMN 57010 457 4

Christ the King (solo/duet) - Curiad - "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Chwyrnas (Whizzer) - Curiad (Living Harp, ISBN 1-897664-11-7)

Clychau'r Gog (Bluebells) - Curiad

Come to the Feast - Curiad: "Cantabile" (ISBN1-887664-21-4)

Crow - Spartan Press

Cymru - Gwynn

Cytgerdd - Curiad


Dan Oed (musical) - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Dewch i'r Ffair - Curiad - in "O'r Sioe" ISBN 1 897664 710

Dewch Ynghyd (arr. of "Come to the Feast") - Curiad 2056

Dewch, Dilynwn Ef - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Dwed Wrthym Pam - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Dwedwch Pwy - Curiad - in "O'r Sioe" ISBN 1 897664 710

Dyma'r Dydd (Now This Day) - Curiad - ISMN M 57010 172 6


Eifionydd - Curiad - ISMN M 57010 437 6

El Noi de la Mare (arrangement) - Curiad

Erddigan - Curiad (in Telyn Fyw)

Every Voice as One - Curiad 2037, ISMN M 57010 519 9


Faithful True Love - Gwynn

Feeding the Birds - Curiad (January Songs, ISBN 1-897664-23-0)

Feet (SATB) - Gwynn

Ffrindiau (Friends) - Curiad: "Cantabile" (ISBN 1-897664-21-4); Curiad 2055 (for 2 voices)

Fluff (SATB) - Gwynn (3122)

Fluff (SSAA) - Gwynn (3122)

Futile - Curiad - in "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8; contralto version: Curiad 9019/4/C

Fy Ngwlad (My Country) - Gwynn


Gimme Five - Chanterelle ISBN 978 3 89044 207 5

Goldenhair - Curiad ISMN M 57010 4499

Golgotha - Curiad - from "Life Reborn", ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Gotta Grey Horse - Gwynn 4061

Gwinllan a Roddwyd (A Vineyard was Given) - Gwynn

Gwynt yr Haf - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Gyfrinferch Santaidd (Blessed Mystic) - Curiad - ISMN M 57010 446 8


Hail, Potatoes! (SATB) - Curiad ISMN M 57010 171 9

Hail, Potatoes! (TTBB) - Curiad ISMN M 57010 481 9

Have You a Dog? - Gwynn 2511

Herod's Song - Curiad - "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8


In the Sweet By and By - Cwmni Cyhoeddi Gwynn cyf. (4059D)

Iraist fy Nghorff - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X


January - Curiad (January Songs, ISBN 1-897664-23-0)

January Songs - Curiad (January Songs, ISBN 1-897664-23-0)


Kite - Curiad (Living Harp, ISBN 1-897664-11-7)


Life Reborn - Curiad, ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Life Reborn - Curiad, ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Llanrwst (S.A.T.Bar.B.) - Curiad 3200

Llanrwst (SATB) - Curiad 3199

Llanrwst (solo) - Curiad - in "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8

Lleddf a Llon (Sad and Happy) - MS (potentially Tŷ Cerdd)

Llys Aberffraw (Aberffraw Court) - Curiad 9040


Machynlleth Fair - Gwynn

Men Went to Catraeth - Gwynn


Never Was Dawn so Bright - Gwynn


Pianimals - Spartan Press

Polar Bear - Spartan Press

Psalm 150 - Gwynn


Recalling (low voice) - Curiad - in "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8

Rhyddid (Freedom) - "Sioetastig!" - Y Lolfa, 978 1 78451 110 1

Rose of our King (SATB) - Curiad 3513

Rose of our King (SSA) - Curiad 2052


Sad Song - Chanterelle ISBN 978 3 89044 207 5

Salon Jen - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

Sixth Birthday - Gwynn

Slowly the Ticking Clock - Curiad - "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8; tenor version: Curiad 9019/5/T

Snowdrops (Cynan) - Curiad - from "Life Reborn", ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Snowdrops (Waldo Williams) -  Curiad (January Songs, ISBN 1-897664-23-0)

Sons of the War - Curiad - in "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8

Spring - Curiad - from "Life Reborn", ISBN 1-897664-56-7

Spring Lambs - Alaw

Star Turn - Spartan Press Ltd


Talons (high voice) - Curiad - in "Llanrwst a Chaneuon Eraill" ISBN 1 897664 81 8

The Car - Gwynn 4066

The Cauldron - Curiad - from "Life Reborn", ISBN 1-897664-56-7

The Future's Beginning Today - Curiad 3197

The Future's Beginning Today - Curiad 4125

The Harp - Gwynn

The Harpist of Tregaron - Curiad - in Telyn Fyw 2 (ISBN 1897664 96 6

The Lord God is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) - Curiad 3198

The Nativity - Gwynn

The Shawl Dance - Gwynn

The Star Carol (SATB) - Curiad, ISMN M 57010 166 5

The Star Carol (solo singer) - Curiad - in "Cân Llawenydd" ISBN 1 897664 46 X

The Star Carol (TTBB) - Curiad, ISMN M 57010 454 3

The Swan Carol (SATB) - Curiad

The Swan Carol (solo voice) - Curiad, ISMN M 57010 357 7 (high voice), 370 6 (low voice) - in one volume

The Swan Carol (TTBB) - Curiad, ISMN M 57010 259 4

This is our Wales - Curiad 3154, ISMN M 57010 521 2

Three Psalms for Organ - Llonnod

Triban (original version, for harp) - Adlais, Abergavenny, Gwent


Waterwheel - Curiad (Living Harp, ISBN 1-897664-11-7)


Y Bryniau Melynion (The Yellow Hills) - Curiad

Y Dryw Bach Drwg (The Naughty Little Wren, short version) - Curiad

Y Gymraeg - Gwynn


Zebra - Spartan Press